It is the one conversation that all parents dread but one that must be had. So when should you have ?the talk?? What age is appropriate? Should you do it or wait and let them learn about it in school, if they attend a regular school? First and foremost, while the experts can give you a recommended age and what to say in the end it is all up to you.
You will know when it is time to have ?the talk? with your children and each one may be completely different. You may have to talk to one at he age of twelve but the other may bot be ready until age fifteen. Just pay attention and you will know what to do. The biggest shocker is that by the time you get ready to have ?the talk? your children may very well already being ?doing the deed.?
One thing that we have found to be very helpful is to be open ( not graphic or gross) with children from a young age. We never subscribe to the ?stork brings babies? method of thinking. Instead we explained that mommy and daddy make babies with some and help and grace from God. We are religious so what you choose to say is up to you.? If asked a question we try to answer as best we can by being as honest as we can. This prevents misinformation or them finding things out later from their friends.
Another side effect of this honesty is that when they have a question, they come to use first.
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